Google Fred

The March 2017 Google update, labelled as Fred, seems to be a game changer for most websites.

Even though there is no official confirmation from Google or very little evidence from the authority websites, one thing is certain: a recent algo update has taken place.

A lot of people, though, are speculating that this is Google’s response to the recent “fake news” saga. So, a lot of the experts are speculating that a number of affiliate sites and low quality sites have been targeted with the most recent algorithm.

This puts a lot more emphasis on the user experience; not just the content anymore. Here are some tips to help you improve your website:

  1. Make sure your website is designed for humans, not the search engines.
  2. Write specific landing pages. Do not overoptimise your home page for all types of different keywords.
  3. Write original content as much as possible; don’t overdo the content rewriting.
  4. Make sure that you vary the types of media you use on the site. Start experimenting with video for example.
  5. Do invest the right type of “social” for your business. This is now becoming a lot more important.

Good luck and get in touch if you would like to further discuss this any further.